[openssl-dev] Building VC-WIN32 with VS2012 and above breaks older CPU compatability

Scott Ware wsware at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 16:01:16 UTC 2016

When building with Visual Studio 2008 SSE is disabled by default. When
building with Visual Studio 2012 and above you must supply a new flag
/arch:IA32 to not build with SSE. Would it be acceptable to update the
Configure process to add the /arch:IA32 if Visual Studio 2012 or
greater is detected? This applies to the normal C code. We ran into
issues when running on an AMD Geode processor.

I tested changing the VC-32.pl on OpenSSL 1.0.2g and it worked well,
but I see the whole build process has changed in Current. I wanted to
find out if this is an acceptable change before I figure out the new
Configure process and submit a patch.

else # Win32
    if (`nmake /? 2>&1` =~ /Version ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ && $1 >= 11.0) {
        $app_cflag.=" /arch:IA32";
        $lib_cflag.=" /arch:IA32";

  Scott Ware

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