[openssl-dev] [openssl.org #4427] PERL requirements disconnect

noloader@gmail.com via RT rt at openssl.org
Mon Mar 14 01:59:19 UTC 2016

The README.PERL states:

    You MUST have at least Perl version 5.10.0 installed.  This
    minimum requirement is due to...

However, the Configure source files use:

    #! /usr/bin/env perl
    # -*- mode: perl; -*-

    ##  Configure -- OpenSSL source tree configuration script
    ##  If editing this file, run this command before committing
    ##    make -f Makefile.in TABLE

    require 5.000;

Other hits:

  $ grep -R 'require 5' *
  Configure:require 5.000;
  external/perl/Text-Template-1.46/lib/Text/Template.pm:require 5.004;


  $ find $PWD -name '*.pl' -exec grep 'require [0-9]' {} \;

It seems like there's a disconnect between the sources and the
documentation. 1.1.0 seems like a perfect time to consolidate and
align the requirements.

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