[openssl-dev] [openssl.org #4683] [BUG] Failure running openssl speed ecdh in master branch

Nicola Tuveri via RT rt at openssl.org
Mon Oct 3 18:03:11 UTC 2016

> There are several options which have varying impacts on what speed would
> actually be measuring, I'll outline them below:
> 1) I just remove X25519 support from OpenSSL speed. This is the easiest
> fix but means nobody can use speed to measure performance with the X25519
> curve anymore. This would be undesirable as the curve is becoming
> increasingly popular and well supported as an alternative to NIST curves.
> 2) I add a special case to the ECDH measurement function that uses the
> EVP_PKEY_* interfaces just for the X25519 curve. This adds complexity to
> speed and means X25519 is technically not really comparable with the other
> curves due to a different API entry point at a higher level.
> 3) I move all the ECDH curves in speed over to use the EVP_PKEY_*
> interfaces. This will make the curve measurement comparable but not with
> historical data from earlier openssl versions (this may not be important
> anyway).
> 4) I go the whole hog and move all the pkey operations that I can in speed
> over to use the EVP_PKEY_* interfaces. Again this would break historical
> comparisons.

I just noticed this thread: I was already working on option number 3 for a
side project where I had the need to compare benchmarks of ECDH with
different curves, including X25519, so [here is a pull request][0] to start
from if we want to revise which interface to use to access EC crypto in

Hope this might save some time!

Kind regards,

Nicola Tuveri

[0] https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/1658

Ticket here: http://rt.openssl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=4683
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