[openssl-dev] Enabling AES-192 ciphers, how to expose DHE-RSA-AES192-GCM-SHA384

Leonard den Ottolander leonard-lists at den.ottolander.nl
Mon Jan 9 18:57:43 UTC 2017


Considering that AES-192 seems to be very resistant against related key
attacks (http://eprint.iacr.org/2009/317) and the algorithm is already
available in the openssl code I am trying to expose the AES-192

Attached is a patch against 1.0.1u (adapted from the version I created
against RHEL "1.0.1e hobbled") that tries to accomplish this for plain
and EDH ciphers. Once I get this to work I will continue by adding the
EECDH ciphers.

The patch seems to work for most parts, except from exposing the
AES192-GCM ciphers. When the self test is run (make -C test apps tests)
it chokes with a client error:

ERROR in CLIENT                                                                 
140069906728640:error:140740B5:SSL routines:SSL23_CLIENT_HELLO:no ciphers available:s23_clnt.c:502:
TLSv1.2, cipher (NONE) (NONE)
1 handshakes of 256 bytes done
Failed DHE-RSA-AES192-GCM-SHA384
make: *** [test_ssl] Error 1

The error occurs in ssl23_client_hello();

Note that the last hunk disables the testing of AES-192-GCM ciphers.
This is a hack to get the adapted RHEL srpm to build that should
eventually be removed. Time stamps on the files are also garbled as I
have not normalized the patch against a fresh tree yet. This is no
problem when applying it.

So my question is, could someone point me in the right direction on how
to expose the AES-192-GCM ciphers, i.e. what am I doing wrong that is
causing the client error?

Would the development team consider adding a patch exposing AES-192
ciphers in openssl once it's complete?

Thanks for your help.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

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