Late Monthly Status Report (October 2019)

Richard Levitte levitte at
Sat Dec 28 11:06:31 UTC 2019

Apart from normal business, such as normal reviews, OMC business,
normal system administration tasks, small fixes, etc., key activities
this month:

* Meetings, workshops, etc

  - Attended the OMC f2f, and committers f2f meetings in Nuremburg

* Development

  - Make ASN1 manuals conform with man-pages(7)
    (PR openssl/openssl#10042)
  - Make manuals with TYPE conform with man-pages(7)
    (PR openssl/openssl#10041)
  - Adapt EVP_CIPHER_{param_to_asn1,asn1_to_param} for use with provider.
    (PR openssl/openssl#10008)
  - util/find-doc-nits: more precise option and function name checker
    (PR openssl/openssl#10073)
  - Replumbing: make it possible for providers to specify multiple names
    (PR openssl/openssl#8985)
  - Move all SHA digests completely to the default provider
    (PR openssl/openssl#10059)
  - Move MD5-SHA1 digest completely to the default provider
    (PR openssl/openssl#9076)
  - EVP_{CIPHER,MD}_CTX_ctrl(): make sure to return 0 or 1
    (PR openssl/openssl#10108)
  - Add documentation for PEM_{read,write}_bio_Parameters()
    (PR openssl/openssl#10113)
  - More doc/man1 fixes
    (PR openssl/openssl#10065)
  - Document syntax internally
    (PR openssl/openssl#10121, openssl/openssl#10148)
  - Reorganize providers, which also involved:
    Configure: rework grammar and attributes
    Configure: Implement attributes for DEPEND[xxx]
    Configurations/common.tmpl: Rework dependency resolution
    Build files: Make it possible to source libraries into other libraries
  - POD: stop abusing comment
    (PR openssl/openssl#10048)
  - Fix EVP_Cipher() for provided cipher implementations
    (PR openssl/openssl#10137)
  - KDF: clean away old EVP_KDF declarations
    (PR openssl/openssl#10170)
  - Restore MD5-SHA1 in legacy method database
    (PR openssl/openssl#10176)
  - Building: Add modules with DEPENDs to GENERATEd files
    (PR openssl/openssl#10162)
  - Move MD2, MD4 and MD5 digests completely to the providers
    (PR openssl/openssl#10164)
  - Add EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_provided()
    (PR openssl/openssl#10184)
  - EVP_{CIPHER,MD}_CTX_ctrl(): make extra sure to return 0 or 1
    (PR openssl/openssl#10163)
  - Display multiple names
    (PR openssl/openssl#9979)
  - Configure: break long lines in build files
    (PR openssl/openssl#8990)
  - KEYMGMT: export/import domain parameters
    (PR openssl/openssl#10169)
  - Export / import RSA to / from provider
    (PR openssl/openssl#10190)
  - Move BLAKE2 digests completely to the default provider
    (PR openssl/openssl#9075)
  - Centralize version data
    (PR openssl/openssl#10205)
  - Doc for the added internal RSA functions
    (PR openssl/openssl#10206)
  - windows-makefile.tmpl: Convert all /I and /D to -I and -D
    (PR openssl/openssl#10222)
  - crypto/s390xcap.c: Add guards around the GETAUXVAL checks
    (PR openssl/openssl#9892)
  - crypto/evp/evp_fetch.c: Make it more prominent that these functions are EVP
    (PR openssl/openssl#10257)
  - evp_pkey_ctx_free_old_ops(): Make sure to assign NULL to freed pointers
    (PR openssl/openssl#10292)
  - [not yet merged] Replumbing: pre-populate the EVP namemap with
    commonly known names
    (PR openssl/openssl#8984)
  - [1.1.1 only] Define AESNI_ASM if AESNI assembler is included, and
    use it
    (PR openssl/openssl#10080)
  - [not yet merged] Implement domparam and key generation
    (PR openssl/openssl#10289)
  - [not yet merged] Template fipsprov
    (PR openssl/openssl#10124)
  - [not yet merged] Add EVP functionality to create domain params and
    keys by user data
    (PR openssl/openssl#10187)

Richard Levitte         levitte at
OpenSSL Project

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