An OpenSSL cookbook, where and how?

Richard Levitte levitte at
Sat Mar 7 09:01:59 UTC 2020

As part of a documentation effort, more specifically in some
discussions in (exact
references below), I've floated the idea that bigger coding examples
should be placed into a cookbook.

My reasoning for this is very simple: example code in reference
manuals should be kept minimal and focused on the functions documented
in that same page.  Anything that start involving too much other
functions becomes a distraction, or will leave you wondering why the
example is in *this* page and not *the other page* that describes
those other functions.  In my mind, this is education 101.

However, it's true that people may want to see more complete examples,
where the interaction between different sets of functions is on
display, and could serve as code to pick and use, more than the quick
minimalistic examples.  A cookbook.

So if we should do this, where do we want that cookbook?  Who keeps it
up to date, and how? could be one answer,
but is it the answer we want?

Thoughts welcome!


Richard Levitte         levitte at
OpenSSL Project

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