Monthly Status: September

Dr Paul Dale pauli at
Thu Sep 30 22:47:22 UTC 2021

Significant activities throughout August were:

  * Lots of research into possible futures for the project
      o Reading RFCs, guides, source code
      o Discussions and meetings
  * Infrastructure planning
  * Various odd tasks relating to the 3.0 branch
  * Update several post 3.0 pull requests and get them through the
      o PVK KDF
      o Making OBJ thread safe
      o ...
  * Investigation of RAND double free issue and do half of the fix
  * CCM8 ciphers security strength change
  * Adding operating system zoo to GitHub Action CIs
  * Start investigating how to have a "must be finished before" option
    in github
  * Providing input to and drafting job descriptions

In addition were minor pull requests, reviewing, OMC and OTC business, 
et al.


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