Monthly Status Report (April)

Matt Caswell matt at
Wed May 4 15:58:49 UTC 2022

As well as normal reviews, attending regular OMC and OTC meetings, 
attending daily stand up meetings, responding to user queries, wiki user 
requests, OMC business, sys-admin, support customer issues, CLA 
submissions, handling security reports, etc., key activities this month:

Started looking at the QUIC demuxer design - subsequently handed to Tomas
Substantial amount of work to convert the existing read side (D)TLS 
record layer to the new OSSL_RECORD_METHOD approach
  - Moved the "read_n" code
  - Moved the ssl3_get_record code
  - Moved the TLSv1.0/TLSv1.1/TLSv1.2 decrypt code
  - Subsequent work also moved the SSLv3 decrypt code
  - Started work on moving the TLSv1.3 code
  - Reorganised the record layer directory
Investigated, fixed and wrote the advisory for CVE-2022-1343
Investigated, fixed and wrote the advisory for CVE-2022-1434
Prepared for the release (that was subsequently cancelled)
Helped Richard investigate method store and child libctx issues
Attended numerous 3.1 planning and estimation workshops
Attended a sysadmin meeting


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