OTC VOTE: Automatically compute public key on import if missing

Tomas Mraz tomas at openssl.org
Tue Sep 6 09:51:52 UTC 2022

Topic: For all currently implemented algorithms, where it is possible,
       if the public key component is missing when a key is imported
       into a provider, the public key component should be computed.
Proposed by: Tomas Mraz
Issue link: https://github.com/openssl/technical-policies/issues/54
Public: yes
Opened: 2022-09-06
Accepted:  yes/no  (for: , against: , abstained: , not voted: )

  Dmitry     [ 0]
  Matt       [  ]
  Pauli      [+1]
  Tim        [  ]
  Richard    [ 0]
  Shane      [+1]
  Tomas      [ 0]
  Kurt       [  ]
  Matthias   [+1]
  Nicola     [+1]

Tomáš Mráz, OpenSSL

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