[openssl-users] Migrating to openssl 1.1.1 in real life linux server

Dennis Clarke dclarke at blastwave.org
Tue Sep 11 19:12:03 UTC 2018

On 09/11/2018 02:35 PM, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 02:28:12PM -0400, Dennis Clarke wrote:
>>>> It sounds like a downstream ELF header nightmare.
>>> Actually, it works just fine.  You link with the variant library,
>>> and it happily coexists with any dependencies you may have that in
>>> turn depend on the system TLS library.  The variant SONAME and
>>> symbol versions provide all the requisite isolation.  You only
>>> pay the cost of customization for the handful of packages you
>>> want to have running against the non-default libraries.
>> Mildly interesting in giving it a try.  However I have 1.1.1 running and
>> tested fine on Solaris 10 sparc without any interferance from the system
>> provided ( ORacle? ) ssl bits. However I do have RUNPATH and RPATH set
>> to /usr/local/lib for everything I have built.
> One thing I've not tested, is isolation from system SSL libraries
> that don't employ symbol versions.  Debian has been doing symbol
> versions for a long time, so I never needed to worry about that.
> And OpenSSL 1.1.0 has symbol versions on most platforms.
> I would assume that Solaris also has symbol versions for OpenSSL
> 1.0.x, but if it does not and that's the system's SSL library, then
> the variant build might not happily coexist with indirect dependencies
> in other shared libraries, haven't tried that.  Regardless, you're
> no worse off than with the default SONAME and symbol versions.

The GNU ld manual makes direct reference to ye old Solaris 2.5 as a sort
of template for the format used. 
but you won't find the section headers ( SHT_GNU_versym, SHT_GNU_verdef,
and SHT_GNU_verneed ) in an ELF file on Solaris but SUNW_version has
been around forever ( I think I saw it in 1994 ? ) :

# elfdump -devl /usr/local/bin/openssl

ELF Header
   ei_magic:   { 0x7f, E, L, F }
   ei_class:   ELFCLASS64          ei_data:       ELFDATA2MSB
   ei_osabi:   ELFOSABI_SOLARIS    ei_abiversion: EAV_SUNW_CURRENT
   e_machine:  EM_SPARCV9          e_version:     EV_CURRENT
   e_type:     ET_EXEC
   e_flags:    [ EF_SPARCV9_TSO ]
   e_entry:           0x100020200  e_ehsize:     64  e_shstrndx:  29
   e_shoff:             0x194bd78  e_shentsize:  64  e_shnum:     31
   e_phoff:                  0x40  e_phentsize:  56  e_phnum:     5

Version Needed Section:  .SUNW_version
      index  file                        version
        [2]  libssl.so.1.1               OPENSSL_1_1_0        [ INFO ]
        [3]                              OPENSSL_1_1_1
        [4]  libcrypto.so.1.1            OPENSSL_1_1_0        [ INFO ]
        [5]                              OPENSSL_1_1_1
        [6]  libsocket.so.1              SUNW_0.7
        [7]  librt.so.1                  SUNW_1.2
        [8]                              SUNW_1.1             [ INFO ]
        [9]  libpthread.so.1             SUNW_1.2
       [10]                              SUNW_0.9             [ INFO ]
       [11]  libc.so.1                   SUNW_1.21.2
       [12]                              SUNW_1.1             [ INFO ]
       [13]                              SUNW_0.7             [ INFO ]

Dynamic Section:  .dynamic
      index  tag                value
        [0]  NEEDED            0x86d5              libssl.so.1.1
        [1]  NEEDED            0x86ff              libcrypto.so.1.1
        [2]  NEEDED            0x8710              libsocket.so.1
        [3]  NEEDED            0x8774              libnsl.so.1
        [4]  NEEDED            0x8780              libdl.so.1
        [5]  NEEDED            0x8728              librt.so.1
        [6]  NEEDED            0x8745              libpthread.so.1
        [7]  NEEDED            0x875e              libc.so.1
        [8]  INIT              0x100904ff8
        [9]  FINI              0x100905008
       [10]  RUNPATH           0x878b              /usr/local/lib
       [11]  RPATH             0x878b              /usr/local/lib
       [12]  HASH              0x100000178
       [13]  STRTAB            0x10000e710
       [14]  STRSZ             0x899a
       [15]  SYMTAB            0x100003b08
       [16]  SYMENT            0x18
       [17]  CHECKSUM          0x9857
       [18]  VERNEED           0x1000170b0
       [19]  VERNEEDNUM        0x6
       [20]  PLTRELSZ          0x7e48
       [21]  PLTREL            0x7
       [22]  JMPREL            0x1000183b8
       [23]  RELA              0x100018028
       [24]  RELASZ            0x81d8
       [25]  RELAENT           0x18
       [26]  DEBUG             0
       [27]  FLAGS             0                   0
       [28]  FLAGS_1           0                   0
       [29]  SUNW_STRPAD       0x200
       [30]  SUNW_LDMACH       0x2b                EM_SPARCV9
       [31]  PLTGOT            0x100a26700
    [32-42]  NULL              0
jupiter #

Anyways .. the whole mess started with Sun's versioning concepts and it
was Ulrich Drepper that did the first implementation in glibc 2.1 with
Eric Youngdale who also bolted in "symbol-level versioning with multiple
definitions of a symbol." :


As for the sections that GNU ld type tools are looking for .. nope .. no
such things in ye Solaris implementation.  I'll take a gander at FreeBSD
which does use the GNU tools.


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