debian openssh issue with openssl 1.1.1d

Benjamin Kaduk bkaduk at
Tue Oct 8 10:27:17 UTC 2019

On Tue, Oct 08, 2019 at 05:23:56AM -0400, Michael Richardson wrote:
> Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil at> wrote:
>     > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     > Debian Security Advisory DSA-4539-2                   security at
>     >                     Salvatore Bonaccorso
>     > October 07, 2019            
>     > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     > Package        : openssh
>     > Debian Bug     : 941663
>     > A change introduced in openssl 1.1.1d (which got released as DSA 4539-1)
>     > requires sandboxing features which are not available in Linux kernels
>     > before 3.19, resulting in OpenSSH rejecting connection attempts if
> I've gone through the changelog for 1.1.1d, but I can't figure out what
> 1.1.1d would have changed that would have caused this.

The RNG uses sysV shm to convey to other processes that /dev/[u]random has been
properly seeded, under some configurations/kernel versions.


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