Linker errors when trying to build OpenSSL with MD2 and RC5 support

Osman Zakir osmanzakir90 at
Fri Sep 13 15:30:08 UTC 2019

I had linker errors when trying to build OpenSSL with MD2 and RC5 support.  I ran this command:

perl Configure VC-WIN64A --with-zlib-lib=C:/zlib/lib/zlibstatic --with-zlib-include=C:/zlib/include enable-md2 enable-rc5 --release
and had the messages I've put in this Gist in the output: .

I had some warnings and one error from the Linker when trying to build the Win32::Console Perl module, but I still got the module itself.  Could that be a reason for my problem?  And also, how can I enable all of the cryptography algorithms without getting errors (is this possible?)?

I'm also tempted to try getting the latest bleeding edge version from GitHub.  I wonder if I should try that.
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