Kyle Hamilton aerowolf at
Sun Dec 13 05:53:57 UTC 2020

If you get SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE, call the same function with the same
parameters and same buffer content immediately. (Same with

If you need to, stash those parameters in variables for ease of reference.
But don't do anything else on the SSL layer until you get a different
return value. (If you implement your own BIO layer, do what you need to do
in support of what you're asked to do for the raw I/O. But don't do
anything with the SSL layer until its internal state has moved past the
need to read or write to or from the BIO.)

-Kyle H

On Thu, Dec 10, 2020, 09:14 Cosmin Apreutesei <cosmin.apreutesei at>

> Hello,
> I have a question regarding SSL_write() and returning SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE
> from the write callback.
> _After_ SSL_write() returns with SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE (because my write
> callback returned  SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE), can I _then_ send the data given
> to the calback and then call SSL_write() again (with the same arguments)
> and then in the second call to the callback return the number of bytes
> written? Is that a supported use of the API? (I'm asking because that's the
> only way I can use the API, I can't send the data inside the callback, I
> need to send it outside the callback, see below for why).
> In other words, is it guaranteed that on that second call to  SSL_write(),
> SSL will want to send the exact same data that it tried before when it
> failed, and not change its mind about it wants to send? Because
> technically, since SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE implies that "no data was sent",
> the state machine might as well advance and send something different at a
> later time (because it received data or something inside expired or
> whatever).
> ----
> Why I need this: I'm using IOCP and LuaJIT which means I have two
> limitations:
> 1) Because I'm using a completion API as opposed to a readiness API, I
> can't just tell OpenSSL when the socket is writable and let it write to it,
> I need to write the data myself.
> 2) because LuaJIT doesn't allow me to yield from inside a C callback, I
> can't do async I/O inside the callback, I can only do it in between calls
> to SSL_read()/SSL_write().
> Any suggestions appreciated, thanks!
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