SSL_CTX_set_verify uses the "wrong" certificate chain (cross signed certificate )

Alex Robuchon alexandre.robuchon at
Sun Oct 3 11:54:44 UTC 2021

Thanks for the detailed answer.

>From strace I can see that I'm using /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

When I use the eventmachine lib that uses the wrong cert chain I can see
with strace :
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/ssl/cert.pem", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such
file or directory)
stat("/usr/lib/ssl/certs/2e5ac55d.0", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1200,
...}) = 0
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/ssl/certs/2e5ac55d.0", O_RDONLY) = 8
stat("/usr/lib/ssl/certs/2e5ac55d.1", 0x7ffe1a8e5d80) = -1 ENOENT (No such
file or directory)

When I use another lib that uses the correct cert chain I can see with
strace :
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/ssl/cert.pem", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such
file or directory)
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/ssl/cert.pem", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such
file or directory)
stat("/usr/lib/ssl/certs/8d33f237.0", 0x7fff1b4b0f90) = -1 ENOENT (No such
file or directory)
stat("/usr/lib/ssl/certs/4042bcee.0", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1939,
...}) = 0
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/ssl/certs/4042bcee.0", O_RDONLY) = 8

In the second case I can see it tries to load the R3 certificate
( 8d33f237.0 ). I wonder why in the first case it does not try to find each
certificate in the chain from the trust store at all. I wonder if it can be
related to the fact I do not see any call to SSL_CTX_set_cert_store in the
lib.  On the other hand I suppose if we do not call this it would pick the
"default" trust store from the system which seems to be the case here
because it can find /usr/lib/ssl/certs/2e5ac55d.0 .

This looks like to be an issue in the eventmachine lib itself. I need to
brush up my C skills and have a deeper look at this :).


On Sat, Oct 2, 2021 at 8:11 PM Viktor Dukhovni <openssl-users at>

> On Sat, Oct 02, 2021 at 06:21:00PM +0100, Angus Robertson - Magenta
> Systems Ltd wrote:
> > > Yes.  To make things even more complex, a few sites also have an
> > > older version of R3 that is directly signed by the DST root:
> > >
> > >      - leaf <- R3 <- DST Root CA X3 (self-signed)
> > >
> > > but that's far from common at this point.
> >
> > That old R3 [CA] was issued last winter and got installed in Windows
> > Server 2018 intermediate stores then, and was still being sent out on
> > 29th and 30th, despite expiring on 29th.
> Not just Windows, at least one Unix system running Postfix is still
> vending a chain with the R3 signed by DST that expired on 2021-09-29:
> issuer=O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root CA X3
> subject=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R3
> notBefore=Oct  7 19:21:40 2020 GMT
> notAfter=Sep 29 19:21:40 2021 GMT
> SHA256
> Fingerprint=73:0C:1B:DC:D8:5F:57:CE:5D:C0:BB:A7:33:E5:F1:BA:5A:92:5B:2A:77:1D:64:0A:26:F7:A4:54:22:4D:AD:3B
> jVWSw/iC8ZmmekKIp10mqrUrucVMsa+Oa/l1yKPXD0eUFFU1V4yeqKI5GfWCPEKp
> Tm71O8Mu243AsFzzWTjn7c9p8FoLG77AlCQlh/o3cbMT5xys4Zvv2+Q7RVJFlqnB
> U840yFLuta7tj95gcOKlVKu2bQ6XpUA0ayvTvGbrZjR8+muLj1cpmfgwF126cm/7
> gcWt0oZYPRfH5wm78Sv3htzB2nFd1EbjzK0lwYi8YGd1ZrPxGPeiXOZT/zqItkel
> /xMY6pgJdz+dU/nPAeX1pnAXFK9jpP+Zs5Od3FOnBv5IhR2haa4ldbsTzFID9e1R
> Y3J5cHQub3JnMDwGA1UdHwQ1MDMwMaAvoC2GK2h0dHA6Ly9jcmwuaWRlbnRydXN0
> AQsFAAOCAQEA2UzgyfWEiDcx27sT4rP8i2tiEmxYt0l+PAK3qB8oYevO4C5z70kH
> ejWEHx2taPDY/laBL21/WKZuNTYQHHPD5b1tXgHXbnL7KqC401dk5VvCadTQsvd8
> S8MXjohyc9z9/G2948kLjmE6Flh9dDYrVYA9x2O+hEPGOaEOa1eePynBgPayvUfL
> qjBstzLhWVQLGAkXXmNs+5ZnPBxzDJOLxhF2JIbeQAcH5H0tZrUlo5ZYyOqA7s9p
> O5b85o3AM/OJ+CktFBQtfvBhcJVd9wvlwPsk+uyOy2HI7mNxKKgsBTt375teA2Tw
> UdHkhVNcsAKX1H7GNNLOEADksd86wuoXvg==
> The EE (depth 0 server) certificate is not expired, and yet somehow the
> server is building a chain with a fresh leaf cert, and a rather stale
> issuer CA.
> It verifies via the DANE implementation in OpenSSL, because its "2 1 1"
> record with a fresh RRSIG specifies the R3 CA as trusted, and its
> expiration date is not in scope since it was signed by an entity outside
> the effective trust chain.
> Validation would fail for the same chain with WebPKI, unless there's a
> new improved R3 in the trust store (not just the roots).
> My DANE survey scan engine checks trust-anchor cert expiration date,
> even when an intermediate CA, mostly because the implementation is
> done that way, but I can retroactively justify it because it makes
> sense to be more strict in tools that look for potential issues.
> Implementations other than OpenSSL might similarly reject such a
> suboptimal chain.
> --
>     Viktor.
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