I May Have a HTTP/2 Upgrade Request in ClientHello in Server App, But I Don't Know How to Parse ClientHello

Osman Zakir osmanzakir90 at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 21 00:11:55 UTC 2022

Hello, everyone.

I have this C++ server app I'm hosting on my computer (source code on GitHub<https://github.com/DragonOsman/currency_converter> -- I'm using Google Maps as a GUI, and it's basically a currency converter app).  I was recently having SSL issues on it, but after sorting them out I have another issue: this error came up:
Lines 625 and 626:
handshake: unsupported protocol (SSL routines, tls_early_post_process_client_hello)
​This is likely a HTTP/2 upgrade request inside a TLS ClientHello message, no?  And if it is, how do I parse the ClientHello message to extract it and respond?

Boost.Beast, the low-level HTTP/S and WebSocket on top of Boost.ASIO that I'm using to handle HTTPS, doesn't support this and it also doesn't directly support HTTP/2.  For HTTP/2 I could just relegate to a server does support it, though I'll need one that supports POST requests unless there's a way for me to use my own server code through a HTTP/2 proxy server (hopefully this is possible).

Anyway, would someone please help me figure out how to parse the ClientHello for the request in question?  Thanks.
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