Build openssl on windows 10 using cygwin

Michael Wojcik Michael.Wojcik at
Mon Oct 17 20:02:32 UTC 2022

> From: רונן לוי <levyron77 at> 
> Sent: Monday, 17 October, 2022 12:03

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> And, in which header file am I expected to find the Definition for LONG?

That's a question about the Windows SDK, not OpenSSL.

It's in WinNT.h, per Microsoft's documentation (which is readily available online).

But for building OpenSSL this is not your concern. Building OpenSSL on Windows with the Microsoft toolchain requires a valid installation of the Windows SDK. If you're not building with the Microsoft toolchain, then you'll have to consult the OpenSSL build instructions for the toolchain you're using. Have you read the text files in the OpenSSL distribution which explain how to build it?

> Which linux command I can use to find if there exists a definition for LONG?

Assuming you mean "which Cygwin command can I use on Windows...": find + xargs + grep would be the usual choice to find the definition, but as I already noted that's in WinNT.h. If that's not what you mean, then your question is unclear.

Michael Wojcik

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