Commandline openssl pkcs12 V1.1.1 vs 3.0.8

Tomas Mraz tomas at
Thu May 25 09:11:13 UTC 2023

You can use the -legacy option to switch back to the old defaults. It
requires to have the openssl built and installed in a way so the legacy
provider is loadable.

Tomas Mraz

On Thu, 2023-05-25 at 06:44 +0000, Robert Inzinger - SKIDATA wrote:
> Hi
> OS: Windows
> We switched from OpenSSL version 1.1.1 to version 3.0.8. We generate
> a pfx File with OpenSSL 1.1.1 with this command line:
> openssl pkcs12 -export -out my.pfx -inkey my.key -in my.crt -name
> "<FriendlyName>" -passout pass:<Password>
> After changing to version 3.0.8 we get problems with older Windows
> and .net versions. I know there are some changed of default value of
> the command, but how to call openssl pkcs12 command line with 3.0.8
> to get the same result with versin 3.0.8 as with 1.1.1?
> Regards
> Robert

Tomáš Mráz, OpenSSL

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