[openssl-dev] Regression testing?

Salz, Rich rsalz at akamai.com
Mon Jun 15 22:20:09 UTC 2015

> Thanks, very helpful!  Is there a "minimum" number of systems/OSes this is
> run on before a release goes out?

Some linux distro.  If there are vms- or windows-specific changes in the release that the team things are of concern, we try to test those as well.

> Or is it always just "best effort" based on which engineers are available?

Yes, basically.

> We do internal testing of the bits before we integrate to Solaris (we have to test not only OpenSSL itself, but a few of the big things that depend on it).  Not sure how interesting those test results would be to anyone not using Solaris :-)

Lots of folks use Solaris.  If you have a Jenkins or similar build farm that could send out reports of things like nightly build failures, we might be interested in seeing how the team could leverage that ...

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