[openssl-dev] Test coverage report + small patch

Harri Porten porten at froglogic.com
Mon May 4 15:02:42 UTC 2015

Hi Rich,

On Fri, 1 May 2015, Salz, Rich wrote:

> I am curious to see what the numbers look like from, say, yesterday compared to, roughly, early next week.

We've compared the code coverage of the tests between the 1.0.2a release
and today's master state: it rose from 28.1% to 29.6%!

And as you predicted the code simplifications might be responsible: the
number of decision points went down from 70192 to 67845. Which is good.
Provided that the software still does the same thing as before ;)

> We are well into a huge overall edit that turns code like
If (p) free(p)
> Into
> 	free(p);
> And not just for free, but for several dozen OpenSSL functions.  This will probably remove a couple of thousand decision points. The code certainly looks much simpler.

Drilling down into the file changes of the last two weeks one can see
cases of the if()/free() simplification happening in untested code
I'm not blaming anyone for that, though. Just pointing out the risk of
potentially unnoticed regressions.


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