[openssl-dev] Building Open

Inge Henriksen inge at syssurge.com
Sun Nov 22 19:42:36 UTC 2015


I believe that I've found some issues while to build OpenSSL v1.0.2b for 64-bit Intel compatible CPUs on Windows 10 using Visual Studio 2015.

There is a bug in the ms\do_win64a.bat OpenSSL batch file that causes some of the libraries to be built as 32-bit, to fix this you can do the following; open and edit ms\do_win64a.bat in notepad by typing the following in the command shell:

notepad ms\do_win64a.bat<ENTER>

Now you must make sure that the ms\do_win64a.bat contents matches the following and overwrite the file after you have made it so:


perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
cmd /c "nasm -f win64 -v" >NUL 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto ml64

perl ms\uplink-x86_64.pl nasm > ms\uptable.asm
nasm -f win64 -o ms\uptable.obj ms\uptable.asm
goto proceed

perl ms\uplink-x86_64.pl masm > ms\uptable.asm
ml64 -c -Foms\uptable.obj ms\uptable.asm

perl util\mk1mf.pl VC-WIN64A >ms\nt.mak
perl util\mk1mf.pl dll VC-WIN64A >ms\ntdll.mak

perl util\mkdef.pl 64 libeay > ms\libeay32.def
perl util\mkdef.pl 64 ssleay > ms\ssleay32.def

With that everything builds and unit tests ran, but the output binaries are still named "32" even though they are 64-bit which is confusing.

Read more in my blog here:


Thank you.

Kind regards,

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