[openssl-dev] Add a new algorithm in "crypto" dir, how to add the source code into the build system

Short, Todd tshort at akamai.com
Thu Dec 22 21:14:14 UTC 2016

Easiest way is to fork the OpenSSL Github repo and then clone it down to your local machine where you can do the work locally. Once you are happy, push it back up to your forked Github repo, and then make a pull request back to the OpenSSL repo.

There are lots of places you can get information on git and Github; but this list isn’t one of them.
-Todd Short
// tshort at akamai.com<mailto:tshort at akamai.com>
// "One if by land, two if by sea, three if by the Internet."

On Dec 22, 2016, at 8:12 AM, Wei, Changzheng <changzheng.wei at intel.com<mailto:changzheng.wei at intel.com>> wrote:

I want to implement some new algorithm. To make my future work smoothly, I want to add a new algorithm method like “RSA_METHOD” in OpenSSL framework so as to I can use an “engine” to support such algorithm.
So I add a new subdir in “crypto” and implement the code and build.info<http://build.info/> refer to “crypto/rsa”.
My question is how to add my new source code into the build system?

Thanks in advance!
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