[openssl-dev] Revert commit 10621ef white space nightmare

Leonard den Ottolander leonard-lists at den.ottolander.nl
Mon Jan 9 17:46:37 UTC 2017



is a white space nightmare. The replacement of "#define"s by "# define"s
etc. is just silly and makes it unnecessarily hard to port patches
between different releases (working with RHEL 7.3 "hobbled 1.0.1e" vs.
1.0.1u). Sadly patch -l chokes on this kind of white space nonsense and
who can blame it?

If one wants to indent directives space is normally inserted before the
hash sign. I don't remember ever seeing directives being indented by
adding white space between the hash sign and the directive.

Please revert this commit (in all branches), even though it has been a
while. Thank you.


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