[openssl-dev] x509 extension support

Rob Austein sra at hactrn.net
Tue Jan 10 14:59:39 UTC 2017

At Tue, 10 Jan 2017 09:42:02 -0500, Freemon Johnson wrote:
> Can anyone help me in discerning which version of openssl supports
> sbgp-autonomousSysNum and sbgp-ipAddrBlock? If it has been
> deprecated then providing the alternative would be greatly
> appreciated.

RFC 3779 support has been in the code base for going on ten years now,
and as far as I know is still available in all supported versions.

Most likely the problem you're seeing is that the RFC 3779 code isn't
enabled at compile time in the binaries you're using.  Some platforms
enable it, some don't.  You could always try lobbying the maintainer
of whatever packaging you're using (if any), but, failing that, you
may have to build your own binaries, in which case you'll need to
enable RFC 3779 support when you run ./Configure.

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