New GitHub labels for pull request and issues - 24 hour grace period

Dr. Matthias St. Pierre Matthias.St.Pierre at
Sat Oct 26 13:40:22 UTC 2019

Hi all,

some of you contributors might have already noticed that the labels which
are attached to the GitHub pull requests and issues have changed.
During the face to face meeting it was decided to cleanup some of the
unused labels and to organize the labelling more systematically to match
our review and merging process.

The following gives you a brief outline of the changes. Wordings are mine
and not authoritative. An official policy update by the OMC will follow.

It was decided by the OMC that starting from now on all committers need
to wait for a grace period of (currently) 24 hours after the approval of
a pull request has completed (which happens when it has the necessary
number of approvals) before they are allowed to merge the pull request
to the target branch(es). The two different states are indicated by labels
([approval: done] and [ready to merge]). The 24 hour policy will be endorsed
by a server side git hook and a github bot which which controls the
[ready to merge] label. There are limited exceptional cases in which a
committer can manually set the [ready to merge] label to merge earlier.
(e.g. during the release process).

Below is a brief overview over the most important new labels. For a full list
and for explaining comments, see



*Branch labels*


Branch labels serve as indication of all target branches to
which the pull request is going to be merged. Approval of
reviewers applies to all target branches, provided the commits
can be cherry-picked cleanly. If that's not the case, a separate
pull request needs to be made.

If there is no branch label, then the github target branch of the
pull request is assumed. However, in the future we try to be explicit
by allways adding the target branch (e.g., [branch: master]).

* Review progress labels*
	[approval: review pending]
	[approval: omc review pending]
	[approval: done]

	...24 hour grace period...
	[ready to merge]

* Hold labels*

Those labels act as blockers and prevent a pull request from
being merged.

	[hold: cla required]      (set by the cla bot, replaces [need-cla], WIP)
	[hold: license clash]
	[hold: need omc decision]

* Issue type labels*

The following labels are going to be set automatically by the issue templates
(see pull request
Templates for the starred labels are still to be done.

	[issue: bug report]
	[issue: feature request]
	[issue: missing documentation] * 
	[issue: question] *

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