Monthly status: June

Dr Paul Dale pauli at
Fri Jul 1 04:27:46 UTC 2022

Significant activities throughout January included:

  * Fixes for Coverity issues
  * Various FIPS related tasks
  * QUIC project
      o Design and implement an event queue
      o Design packetisation (ongoing)
      o Reviewing other designs and PRs
      o Redrew the overview diagram using dot (ongoing)
  * Customer support: fixes and responses to questions
  * Wrote knowledge base article about modifying support customer details
  * Worked on security issues
      o investigating and creating fixes for new issues
      o investigating old issues
  * Partial on-boarding for administrative position

This is in addition to the usual nightly meetings, issue triage, pull 
request reviews and responding to questions.  I also had a bout of covid :(

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