Monthly status report: May 2022

Dr Paul Dale pauli at
Wed Jun 1 03:07:03 UTC 2022

Significant activities throughout February included:

  * Investigation and mitigation of performance problems with MS QUIC.
  * Banned older TLS/DTLS & SSL protocols as security levels above zero.
  * Removed unused and untested _fetch_by_number functions.
  * Design and implementation of a timer subsystem.
  * Investigated code generation problem with clang-14 (strict aliasing
    being broken in a non-obvious way).
  * Review of event queue design.
  * Merge event queue and timer subsystems.
  * Blog post about Spectre gadgets in our source code.
  * Participating in ongoing FIPS related discussions.
  * Fixes for Coverity raise problems.
  * Fix case insensitive string comparisons so that they don't rely on
    locale support.
  * Wrote (unpublished) blog post and emails relevant parties (also
  * Begin working on the QUIC packisation design.
  * Reviews the substantial feature PRs.

This is in addition to the usual nightly meetings, issue triage, small 
pull requests, pull request reviews and responding to questions etc


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