[openssl-users] 1.1.1 pre1 tests failing on Solaris SPARC

Dennis Clarke dclarke at blastwave.org
Sat Feb 24 00:04:43 UTC 2018

On 21/02/18 04:53 PM, Norm Green wrote:
> On 2/21/2018 12:46 PM, Andy Polyakov wrote:
>> And "the default for all v9 architectures is -xmemalign=8s".
> I'm getting confused.  Since I did not specify -xmemalign at all..

Without getting into some needed CFLAGS let me just say that the build
ran fine here other than test/ct_test.c needs to link with libm. I just
tossed in the required -lm on the EX_LIBS in the Makefile.  Not optimal
but gets the job done for the moment.  Also there is a nagging perl
version problem and that is just .. annoying.

So testsuite is running but this is a non-optimal debug build and only
on the Fujitsu sparc and not on a baseline v9 yet. See "e_flags" in the
ELF header below which is somewhat restrictive.

corv $ elfdump -devl ./apps/openssl

ELF Header
   ei_magic:   { 0x7f, E, L, F }
   ei_class:   ELFCLASS64          ei_data:       ELFDATA2MSB
   ei_osabi:   ELFOSABI_SOLARIS    ei_abiversion: EAV_SUNW_CURRENT
   e_machine:  EM_SPARCV9          e_version:     EV_CURRENT
   e_type:     ET_EXEC
   e_entry:           0x10001c600  e_ehsize:     64  e_shstrndx:  29
   e_shoff:              0xe0ea38  e_shentsize:  64  e_shnum:     31
   e_phoff:                  0x40  e_phentsize:  56  e_phnum:     6

Version Needed Section:  .SUNW_version
      index  file                        version
        [2]  libssl.so                   OPENSSL_1_1_0        [ INFO ]
        [3]                              OPENSSL_1_1_1
        [4]  libcrypto.so                OPENSSL_1_1_0        [ INFO ]
        [5]                              OPENSSL_1_1_1
        [6]  libsocket.so.1              SUNW_0.7
        [7]  libpthread.so.1             SUNW_1.2
        [8]                              SUNW_0.9             [ INFO ]
        [9]  libc.so.1                   SUNW_1.21.2
       [10]                              SUNW_0.7             [ INFO ]

Dynamic Section:  .dynamic
      index  tag                value
        [0]  NEEDED            0x6d18              libssl.so
        [1]  NEEDED            0x6d3e              libcrypto.so
        [2]  NEEDED            0x6d9b              libz.so.1
        [3]  NEEDED            0x6d4b              libsocket.so.1
        [4]  NEEDED            0x6da5              libnsl.so.1
        [5]  NEEDED            0x6db1              libdl.so.1
        [6]  NEEDED            0x6d63              libpthread.so.1
        [7]  NEEDED            0x6d85              libc.so.1
        [8]  INIT              0x1006caa58
        [9]  FINI              0x1006caa68
       [10]  RUNPATH           0x6dbc 
       [11]  RPATH             0x6dbc 
       [12]  HASH              0x1000001d0
       [13]  STRTAB            0x10000c9c0
       [14]  STRSZ             0x6fde
       [15]  SYMTAB            0x1000033d8
       [16]  SYMENT            0x18
       [17]  CHECKSUM          0x33bc
       [18]  VERNEED           0x1000139a0
       [19]  VERNEEDNUM        0x5
       [20]  PLTRELSZ          0x7b60
       [21]  PLTREL            0x7
       [22]  JMPREL            0x100014a90
       [23]  RELA              0x100014700
       [24]  RELASZ            0x7ef0
       [25]  RELAENT           0x18
       [26]  DEBUG             0
       [27]  SUNW_CAP          0x1000001b0
       [28]  FLAGS             0                   0
       [29]  FLAGS_1           0                   0
       [30]  SUNW_STRPAD       0x200
       [31]  SUNW_LDMACH       0x2b                EM_SPARCV9
       [32]  PLTGOT            0x1007ead00
    [33-43]  NULL              0

corv $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` ./apps/openssl version
OpenSSL 1.1.1-pre1 (alpha) 13 Feb 2018
corv $

So .. this is progress.


ps: Oracle bugid 26277061 explains e_flags must only be EF_SPARCV9_TSO

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