Can a linux service work as both TLS client and server?

Michael Wojcik Michael.Wojcik at
Mon Nov 18 12:28:56 UTC 2019

> From: openssl-users [mailto:openssl-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Kristen Webb
> Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 10:22

> It sounds like peeking at the port may be the simplest way to determine how it is
> being connected to.

Using different ports for different types of services - which is what you have here - is the traditional approach, yes. I'm not sure why you refer to this as "peeking", since it's really a matter of having two endpoints; when you accept a conversation, you already know what endpoint it has arrived on.

> Apple has a network framework (supports TLS 1.3) that I believe will eventually replace the
> current security framework (supports up to TLS 1.2) that I am using today to get the job
> done.

It sounds like your problem is with Apple's API, not with OpenSSL, so I don't know that we can offer any further assistance.

Michael Wojcik
Distinguished Engineer, Micro Focus

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