Need some help signing a certificate request

rgordey at rgordey at
Sat Aug 21 17:50:34 UTC 2021

It was the index.txt like you said. Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: openssl-users <openssl-users-bounces at> On Behalf Of Michael Wojcik
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2021 1:43 PM
To: openssl-users at
Subject: RE: Need some help signing a certificate request

> From: rgordey at <rgordey at>
> Sent: Saturday, 21 August, 2021 11:26
> My openssl.cnf (I have tried `\` and `\\` and `/` directory separators):

Use forward slashes. Backslashes should work on Windows, but forward slashes work everywhere. I don't know that "\\" will work anywhere. 

> [ ca ]
> default_ca = testca
> [ testca ]
> dir = .
> certificate = $dir\\ca_certificate.pem database = $dir\\index.txt

What's in index.txt? Is it a valid OpenSSL CA index file, or completely empty (zero length)?

If it's not either of those, replace it with an empty file, for example with:

copy nul index.txt

> new_certs_dir = $dir\\certs
> private_key = $dir\\private\\ca_private_key.pem

These directories exist?

> serial = $dir\\serial

This file exists? Though you really shouldn't be assigning serial numbers; you should let OpenSSL create them using the -create_serial option.

> default_crl_days = 7
> default_days = 365
> default_md = sha256
> policy = testca_policy
> x509_extensions = certificate_extensions
> [ testca_policy ]
> commonName = supplied
> stateOrProvinceName = optional
> countryName = optional
> emailAddress = optional
> organizationName = optional
> organizationalUnitName = optional
> domainComponent = optional
> [ certificate_extensions ]
> basicConstraints = CA:false
> [ req ]
> default_bits = 2048
> default_keyfile = .\\private\\ca_private_key.pem default_md = sha256 
> prompt = yes distinguished_name = root_ca_distinguished_name 
> x509_extensions = root_ca_extensions
> [ root_ca_distinguished_name ]
> commonName = hostname
> [ root_ca_extensions ]
> basicConstraints = CA:true
> keyUsage = keyCertSign, cRLSign
> [ client_ca_extensions ]
> basicConstraints = CA:false
> keyUsage = digitalSignature,keyEncipherment extendedKeyUsage = 

Why are you specifying this by OID? Just use "extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth". (I'm assuming a reasonably recent OpenSSL version.)

> [ server_ca_extensions ]
> basicConstraints = CA:false
> keyUsage = digitalSignature,keyEncipherment extendedKeyUsage = 

Your command line was:

> openssl ca -config .\openssl.cnf -in ../server/req.pem -out 
> server_certificate.pem -notext -batch -extensions server_ca_extensions

Try it without -batch and with -verbose. And again I'd recommend -create_serial, unless you have some strange requirement to control serial numbers. Browsers in particular may be unhappy if your serial numbers don't conform to the CA/BF Basic Requirements, and it's a pain trying to do that manually.

Michael Wojcik

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