Cross-signing non-self-signed third party certificate

Yannik Sembritzki yannik at
Mon May 29 13:25:35 UTC 2023

Hi everyone,

I am trying to cross-sign a third party certificate which is *not* self 
signed (e.g. a third party intermediate CA, or even a particular client 
certificate) like this:

/openssl x509 -in third-party.crt -CA /etc/pki/r1/ca.crt -CAkey 
/etc/pki/r1/private/ca.key -out third-party-cross-signed.crt -set_serial 

This results in the following error: /Error with certificate to be 
certified - should be self-signed//
The same thing works for signing third-party root CAs (as they are 
self-signed), but that might be too broad in some situations.

Could anybody explain the reason for this restriction?

Best regards
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