OpenSSL Mailing Lists Are Moving to Google Groups

Dmitry Misharov dmitry at
Wed Jul 17 16:57:01 UTC 2024

We are announcing a change in how communication and collaboration will take
place within
the OpenSSL community. Effective August 1st, 2024, the OpenSSL mailing
lists will migrate
to Google Groups. This transition is designed to streamline communication
channels and
simplify our infrastructure.

## Why the change?

Over the years, the combination of Postfix and Mailman has served us well,
but it's time to move on
and explore better options. Google Groups offers several advantages that
align with our goals:

* **Enhanced Collaboration**: in addition to email Google Groups provides a
modern interface and a
  more intuitive user experience, making it easier for community members to
engage in discussions,
  share ideas, and contribute to ongoing projects.

* **Simplified Management**: by migrating to Google Groups, we can reduce
the administrative
  overhead associated with maintaining our mailing list infrastructure.
This allows our team to
  focus more on developing and improving the OpenSSL library.

* **Improved Accessibility**: Google Groups offers robust search
capabilities, better spam
  protection, and easy access to archives, ensuring that valuable
information is readily available
  and easily searchable.

## What you need to know

The official migration will take place on **August 1st, 2024**. After this
date, the MTA hostname
will take place in Google Groups. The mailing lists archives
on will be preserved and stay online but will not be

Current subscribers to our mailing lists will be automatically migrated to
the new Google Groups.
You will receive an invitation to join the respective Google Group(s)
corresponding to your existing

You do not have to have a Google account to interact with Google Groups.
You can
subscribe and unsubscribe purely via email from any address.

## Looking ahead

This migration marks a positive step forward in enhancing our community
engagement and
support. Thank you for your continued support and contributions to the
OpenSSL project.

Best regards,
The OpenSSL Team
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