OpenSSL Mailing Lists Are Moving to Google Groups

The Doctor doctor at
Thu Jul 18 12:15:56 UTC 2024

On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 06:57:01PM +0200, Dmitry Misharov wrote:
> We are announcing a change in how communication and collaboration will take
> place within
> the OpenSSL community. Effective August 1st, 2024, the OpenSSL mailing
> lists will migrate
> to Google Groups. This transition is designed to streamline communication
> channels and
> simplify our infrastructure.
> ## Why the change?
> Over the years, the combination of Postfix and Mailman has served us well,
> but it's time to move on
> and explore better options. Google Groups offers several advantages that
> align with our goals:
> * **Enhanced Collaboration**: in addition to email Google Groups provides a
> modern interface and a
>   more intuitive user experience, making it easier for community members to
> engage in discussions,
>   share ideas, and contribute to ongoing projects.
> * **Simplified Management**: by migrating to Google Groups, we can reduce
> the administrative
>   overhead associated with maintaining our mailing list infrastructure.
> This allows our team to
>   focus more on developing and improving the OpenSSL library.
> * **Improved Accessibility**: Google Groups offers robust search
> capabilities, better spam
>   protection, and easy access to archives, ensuring that valuable
> information is readily available
>   and easily searchable.
> ## What you need to know
> The official migration will take place on **August 1st, 2024**. After this
> date, the MTA hostname
> will take place in Google Groups. The mailing lists archives
> on will be preserved and stay online but will not be
> updated.
> Current subscribers to our mailing lists will be automatically migrated to
> the new Google Groups.
> You will receive an invitation to join the respective Google Group(s)
> corresponding to your existing
> subscriptions.
> You do not have to have a Google account to interact with Google Groups.
> You can
> subscribe and unsubscribe purely via email from any address.
> ## Looking ahead
> This migration marks a positive step forward in enhancing our community
> engagement and
> support. Thank you for your continued support and contributions to the
> OpenSSL project.
> Best regards,
> The OpenSSL Team

Please have a look at

Google Groups and Gmail seems to be a source of spam 
and even if you use

for complaints,

you never hear back from Google about if they have dealt with
their spam complaints accordingly.

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